Stephen Coyne
Independent Consultant
Independent Consultant
I am a retired head teacher, with 36 years experience in the classroom and twenty years in senior management, eleven of them as a Head Teacher. I am now an independent consultant and I would be delighted to hear from you
S Coyne BSc (Hons), MEd, PhD, PGCE
I am a consultant, mainly advising independent schools and academies on educational matters.
I specialise in heads' and senior staff appraisals, mentoring, teacher training, performance management, INSET and accreditation visits for schools wishing to join HMC.
I spend a lot of my time as an HMC Authorised Appraiser working with current Heads on their professional development.
I am a member of HMC Heads' Appraisal Panel, appraising many Headteachers of HMC and IAPS schools on a regular basis.
I have also helped two major HMC boarding schools set up new appraisal systems.
As well as appraisal, I am heavily involved with teacher training conferences and accreditation visits for HMC; a list of these can be found on the Activities page of this site.
I can also assist with special projects, policy formation, curriculum reviews, results analysis and staffing issues.
Recent Appraisals
Head/Principal of: 14 HMC Schools (6 in South East; 4 North West; 3 North East; 1 Midlands)
3 Prep Schools (3 x North West; 1 x South East)
1 SMIS School (South East)
SLT Members: 3 in an HMC School (South East)
I have also recently been a mentor for an Acting Head of an HMC Independent School.